
Diego Miranda
Investment Advisor
Since 2015, Diego has been a key member of the Pure Advice planning team alongside Randy McIntyre.
As the business development manager for an El Salvador-based industrial telecom sector equipment company, it was his role to identify opportunities for business growth in the Central American region. Diego brings that skill set, as well as research and business management skills developed through his legal studies, and his master’s degree in business law, to his role on the team.
Leveraging Randy’s many years as a planner, Diego leads in the development of portfolio solutions that answer the unique needs of each individual client. His crisp and detailed research is aimed at delivering superior risk-adjusted returns; portfolio solutions include a mix of low-cost index-based investments and – where sensible – actively managed products. These solutions are designed to wrap around the detailed tax and cash-flow planning strategies crafted for each individual client.
Diego is actively building his clientele and serves well individuals and families who have surplus cash-flow they wish to use to build toward their desired life goals. As a native El Salvadoran, he gets great satisfaction helping recent arrivals adapt to and build new lives in Canada; he is fluent in Spanish and English and is comfortable working in either language.
Para mí es un placer poder ayudar a las personas realizar sus metas y crear un mejor futuro a través de disciplina financiera, planeamiento y buen manejo de activos.
Diego has a LL. B from UCA in El Salvador, as well as a master’s degree in business law from the University of Montreal.